Monday, March 15, 2010

Displaced Christian Men

Hi everyone.

What a great week we have had here are Displaced-Christian-Men. So far we have had 143 hits to the blog. We consider this a substantial number.

Our promotion has been directed at 2 modes:

Word of Mouth

Dave and I are certain we are meeting a need in the Mens lives and are blessed to do so.

So, here is a brief video re: the new blog location.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Response to a Great Comment

In my Man to Man post of 3/9/2010 an anonymous commenter provided the following:

What an interesting perspective, here are where my thoughts come from in scripture:

Romans 3: 3-4 "The Message"

So, what if, in the course of doing that, some of those Jews abandoned their post? God didn't abandon them. Do you think their faithlessness cancels out his faithfulness? Not on your life! Depend on it: God keeps his word even when the whole world is lying through its teeth. Scripture says the same:

Your words stand fast and true;
Rejection doesn't faze you.

I wonder if the difference of perspective here comes from a position of "Once Saved Always Saved." As the scripture above Paul is instructing the Romans that abandonment can be done by man, however God does not abandon man or His Promise of everlasting life

Any comments?

I really would like to hear from you: Have I understood what the Anonymous commenter stated?

Where do you stand, Agree or dis-agree?

To make a comment below do the following click on the word "Comments" and then enter your thoughts. Here is an image of where to click:

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Man to Man



As men we tend to live in turmoil. Going from one problem to another, that's probably why we don't have time to build and work on relationships that would be a benefit to our overall life.

Benjamin Franklin once gave some advice that we should ponder;

"Be at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let every      New Year find you a better man."

Simple but sound advice.

I tend to turn that around, I give into my vices and fan the flames of war with those around me. I pledge to be a better man every New Year, but like so many resolutions they soon fall back into what I was before.

So what as a Man have I learned?


I keep wanting to prove that I have learned the secret of following God and becoming that godly man that the Bible talks about, but I insist on doing it my way!

At every turn I'm humbled by my own failures, but never rejected by a Father that loves me and seems to encourage me to get up and try again.

Will I ever get it right???

I hope one day, but I'm sure of one thing,





Monday, March 8, 2010

God's Man



When we think of God's man, what do we see?

Many of us are looking for a Superman that can do no wrong, or maybe you're looking for a man full of compassion, either way we all seem to fall short of those expectations.

So what does a "Man of God" look like?

Gaze into the mirror as you shave.

Look into the eyes of your wife and children.

Gage your relationship with friends and co-workers.

A man of God is a reflection of Christ walking the earth.

Everyday I fall short but my shortcomings are a result of me trying to live this life by my own abilities. I still have to remind myself that the Father has promised to help me overcome; I take that as

"get me out of the way"!

My prayer today is,

"Father let me see what You have for me today, and make me Your man".

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Quiet Time Preparation


Take a moment and use this as a preperation for your quiet time.  A great way to come into the presence of God:

Have a Great DAY!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Seven thoughts I'm Wrestling With

Here is a thread post from the forum.  The author Perry Noble has some interesting questions.

Men (I'm included here) we might take a few quiet times and consider what Mr. Noble has to say.

Perry Noble

Seven Thoughts I’m Wrestling With February 3, 2010

#1 – Why is the church so content with being normal when God has promised the supernatural?
#2 – Why are some in the church obsessed with obtaining information but have no desire to live out the transformation that Jesus brings?
#3 – Why do some in the church excuse non excellent standards by saying phrases such as, “well, after all…it’s just church?” Our standards of doing things should not be lower than the worlds…they should be higher; after all, what the church does matters!
#4 – Why do we claim to follow a God who changes things…and yet often times we refuse to change things?
#5 – Why do we set our expectations on the lives that Jesus wants us to live so low when Scripture sets them so high?
#6 – Why does the church always try to control people when Jesus died so that we could be unleashed?
#7 – Why is it that so many church leaders would rather lead through imitation (becoming just like someone else) rather than revelation (listening to God and then doing what He says?)

What is your call to action:  REJECT PASSIVITY

Thursday, March 4, 2010



I went to the Dr. and he began to tell me about all my aliments. The more he talked the more depressed I became. I finally asked him to give me some good news, he hesitated and finally said “if you follow the plan I give you, you’ll be fine”. That’s not what I wanted to hear.

Isn’t it just like a Man, I want to do it my way!

The church has been functioning just fine; the Sunday School is working; the women have their Bible study groups; sewing circles they enjoy their coffee times sharing and caring and praying for each other.

D.M. Street once said;

Let God love you through others and let God love others through you.

Well Mr. Sweet here is a point for you to consider:

As Men, we have a hard time opening up to anyone. Our trust factor is buried deep in us and we don’t want to let go. This isn’t a flaw, but this is how we are wired, or as the Bible states, “Wonderfully made”.

So how does Men’s Ministry fit into the modern day church?

Following the example of Christ, He surrounded Himself with a few close friends, they did everything together and built trust in a way that only Men could do.

Do you have a friend that you could call when you’re in trouble?

Is there a Man in your life that would drop everything to help when you needed him?

The cure for Men’s Ministry is fellowship, not with the whole church body, but with those few guy’s that will watch your back as you watch there’s.

I wonder Will you take that step?

Your behavior (moving forward or standing still) will determine what you do.  Hey You have a Destiny – What is it?